Palomino-Bach Testimonial


Nicole Levy, Executive Director

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“I feel lucky to have LMS where my boys can get a dose of the world in their own class every single day.”

Not many parents take their children to work with them, but every morning Mrs. Palomino-Bach has two precious passengers in her backseat who will spend their day at Luther Memorial School along with their mother.

Middle school language arts teacher Mrs. Palomino-Bach says she feels blessed that Luther Memorial plays such an important part in her family’s life.

Her school day begins after hugs and goodbyes from her two preschool-aged sons in their classroom. It’s an easy transition as the boys are quickly caught up in the activity already happening in the room, with classmates and toys beckoning. 

“It’s imperative to me that diversity and exposure to a variety of cultural and economic backgrounds is a norm for my children growing up – the same that it was a priority for my own mother in raising my brother and I,” she says. “I feel lucky to have LMS where my boys can get a dose of the world in their own class every single day.”

Mrs. Palomino-Bach first taught at LMS from 2012-2014. She then left for graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania where she earned a master’s degree in reading, writing and literacy and then honed her teaching skills at a parochial high school in Cleveland.

Back at Luther Memorial in the 2021-22 school year, Mrs. Palomino-Bach says that building a relationship based on mutual respect and appreciation is paramount to her success in the classroom. 

“So much of teaching and learning is established through that relationship. Forming relationships and a true understanding of our students now will help them feel safe and ready to learn and willing to take academic risks,” she says.

“Our young people are capable of so many incredible things and have such interesting ideas – it’s a joy to see those come to life in my classroom.”

With all of the challenges teaching and parenting brings, she says her faith keeps her centered and focused.

“Knowing that I’m not perfect and remembering the forgiveness and love our Lord has for us all helps me find the drive and determination to keep going forward,” she says. “I desire for my students to know this same love and forgiveness.”