
Come Visit!

New students entering 3rd-8th grade are required to shadow for a day, complete basic math and reading assessments and interview with the principal. Call us to schedule a visit at 216.749.5300.

Preschool Academics

Luther Memorial School offers a safe and friendly classroom environment where children ages three to five can thrive.  Students prepare for Kindergarten through play and a wide variety of structured activities including music, movement, art and games.  With the Kindergarten standards in mind, we teach reading and math readiness, science discovery, and Bible-based faith awareness.

K-8 Academics

LMS strives to teach and care for all students so that when they graduate they are faith-filled and prepared to seek out and hold onto future opportunities.


Our religion curriculum seeks to share the Gospel message of Jesus with children who are largely un-churched and new to religious instruction.  Students begin by learning basic stories of the Bible and memorizing foundational scripture passages each week.  Throughout the year, knowledge is gained, questions are answered and applications to “real life” are discussed. Through the Holy Spirit, many are led to a deeper relationship with Christ and are welcomed into His family through baptism.

Language Arts

Our classical focus emphasizes the use of high quality literature and an extensive phonics base to teach children to read independently. Children in K-3 use the “Johnny Can Read” program developed by Alice Nine.  All children read books and novels as a class and also participate in Accelerated Reader for independent reading and growth. Grammar, spelling and the mechanics of writing are taught as separate skills but are also integrated with book/novel studies in all grades.  The middle school employs a shared-inquiry model of instruction, making use of The Great Books series of multicultural short stories. 


History is taught in the context of time and through a Christian worldview. Beginning in the 2nd grade, students travel through history by focusing on a time period for an entire year. This aids comprehension and allows for deep understandings of history and how it relates to culture and progress over time. Students also demonstrate understandings of geography by learning the names, locations and major events associated with the continents, major countries and cities of the world, and the States and Capitals of the United States. Students in Kindergarten learn history through the major holidays and seasons of the year and 1st graders learn “famous people of US history.” Veritas Press and The History of US are guiding resources for the curriculum.


Through the study of mathematics, students gain an appreciation for the order and structure of God’s world. Concepts of mathematics are taught through a thematic approach that relates the subject matter being taught to real-world situations. An emphasis on numeracy and basic facts is important to building a foundation for higher levels of application. GO Math is a resource for this curriculum along with Accelerated Math which individualizes instruction for each child, making use of technology.


Science is taught through inquiry and project-based experiments. The scientific method is the driving concept of the curriculum.  Harcourt and Holt texts, which emphasize experiments and the scientific method, are used at all grade levels. The middle school dives deeper into the worlds of Life, Earth, and Physical sciences.


The Luther Memorial preschool program serves children from ages 3-5. 

K-8th Grade

The Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program and Ed-Choice vouchers are accepted.

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